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IV Online magazine - Archive

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The Water Crisis in Gaza

The political rhetoric and frequent violence of the israeli-palestinian conflict often serve to mask underlying environmental issues which, if not resolved, may pose an even greater threat to the well-being of the Palestinian population than the guns and bombs of the military occupation.

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Savage Capitalism - the Ecosocialist Alternative

This is an edited version of the main document discussed at the recent annual general meeting of Socialist Resistance in Britain. The document explains why Socialist Resistance is changing its political programme, perspectives and public profile towards being an anti-capitalist, ecosocialist organisation.

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What Happened to the Global Justice Movement?

Fighting Neoliberalism - The view from Scotland

Former SSP MSP Frances Curran was one of the organisers of the G8 Alternatives demonstration at Gleneagles in 2005. In this article she looks at the state of the movement today and asks where it goes from here.

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