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Evismo - Reform? Revolution? Counter-Revolution?

The political and class polarisation in Bolivia is developing very rapidly as a result of the right-wing ’strikes’, the struggles over the Constituent Assembly and the nationalisation of the gas, and now with the bloody conflict at the Huanani mine.

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Debate on working class consciousness

The Labor Aristocracy Myth

The reality of the last century seems to challenge basic Marxist ideas. Despite occasional mass militancy and even proto-revolutionary struggles, the majority of the working class in the developed capitalist countries have remained tied to reformist politics - a politics premised on the possibility of improving the condition of workers without the overthrow of capitalism. Why is this the case?

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Dossier - On Slobodan Milosevic

Faced with the wars of ethnic cleansing which have ravaged Bosnia-Herzegovina, the dominant theses have centred either on deadly inter-ethnic hatreds or on Slobodan Milosevic - the “butcher of the Balkans” or adversary and victim of the great powers. This ignores the deep causes of the crisis.

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